K’s for RUOK?DAY 2020 – We did it!

In July, our team participated in K’s for RUOK? This was an inaugural event established by the RUOK organisation to promote the importance of connection and creating good habits during challenging times. It could not have come at a better time given the impact of COVID-19 on our lives and the need for a ‘pick me up’ individually as well as a team here at Path to Health.

Our team enthusiastically participated and if you did follow us on social media or visit us in person, you would have seen our journey to raise awareness and money towards this important cause.

We are so grateful for all the support of our family, friends and of cause all the wonderful and generous people we see every day at the clinic. We raised $994 from our generous supporters.  An amazing outcome we are proud of, especially to be part of the total $150,000 this event raised across the nation.

What did we learn along the way? Clear Goal Setting – Commitment – Accountability

Firstly, it was clearly established from the beginning what was involved. This made goal setting so clear that you could feel how achievable it was without having started. Secondly, commitment then kicked in. It was one thing to say ‘yes’ but it is next level when you go again, and again and again challenging all obstacles – the weather, tiredness, time, emotions, COVID limitations, small backyards, children, work commitments. Trust me, there were plenty of excuses to get in the way, but the third driver was our team which created accountability. It was very satisfying to share a workout session or the beautiful scenery encountered on a walk.

Discovering the hidden treasures of our neighbourhoods were amongst the many benefits of this challenge. Our team communicated and connected the most during this challenge than most other times of the year which was really rewarding individually but also for our team dynamics. Our clinic was buzzing with energy, motivation and discussion of the day’s K’s.

On September 10, 2020 is RUOK?Day. Tomorrow, jump on board, by marking this day in your diary and being part of the national day of action where we are reminded that it is ok to ask ‘Are You OK?’ everyday. There is a strong message for this year and that is ‘There is more to say after R U OK?’. The RUOK organisation has plenty of FREE resources on tips and ideas to help you learn what to say. https://www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day

We hope next year the Ks for RUOK? challenge returns and we encourage you to jump on board. Until then, check out our social media on RUOK?DAY and let’s connect!